FSKKPs' Researchers to the SIIF 2018

FSKKPs' Researchers to the SIIF 2018

Hosted by the  Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and organized by Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA),  the Seoul International Invention Fair was inaugurated in 2002 in order to market and to promote inventions. Currently under the patronage of the City of Seoul, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) it has thus become an event where inventors and researchers from all over the world showcase new ideas and products to manufacturers, investors,distributors, licensing firms and the general public. 

SIIF 2018 is organized by the Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), a statutory company established under the provision of the Invention Promotion Act. It is the only organization in Korea that has promoted inventive activities since 1973.

This year, FOUR of our academician has been choosen to participate in SIIF 2018 which will be held from 6th to 9th December 2018 in Seoul, South Korea.

1. Prof. Ts. Dr. Kamal Zuhairi Zamli (Intelligent Interaction Test Suite Generator For Large Iot Testing / MTE 2018)
2. Ts. Dr. Mohamad Fadli Bin Zolkipli (Next Generation Security Operation Center (NGSOC) / ITEX 2018)
3. Dr. Abdulrahman Ahmed Mohammed Al-sewari (Firefly Combinatorial Test List Generator For Iot Systems/ ITEX 2018)
4. Dr. Abdulghani Ali Ahmed (Safecyber: System For The Safety Of Financial Transactions And Users’ Against Online Fraud And Cybercrimes / MTE 2018)

We wish them good luck and all the best!