Hits: 11433
Website: https://ijsecs.ump.edu.my/
Submission: https://journal.ump.edu.my/ijsecs/
Submission: https://journal.ump.edu.my/ijsecs/
IJSECS is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Software Engineering and Computer Systems, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Software Engineering and Computer Systems in theoretical and practical aspects.
The IJSECS is reviewed by international and local researchers and is published by UMP Publisher. Author will be able to request that their names and affiliations are withheld from reviewers of their papers - a form of peer review known as single blind.
Currently IJSECS is been indexed by the following database:
All accepted papers will be assigned DOI number for the visibility purpose.
All accepted papers will be assigned DOI number for the visibility purpose.